2015 Lake St. Clair Raft Off Review
The 2015 Lake St. Clair Raft Off was certainly huge again!
Originally 11 years ago, the annual event was started as a competition for the world record of the most boats tied up together at one time. The Lake Norman Raft-Up in North Carolina had held the original record of over 1,453 boats in 2004. According to organizers in the past, the Lake St. Clair Raft Off had beaten this record.
Today, we don’t know of anyone officially “counting” the boats at the 2015 Lake St. Clair Raft Off, but who cares! What a great day of interesting boats and getting together with friends. Feel free to count the boats in the aerials below and let me know how many of us were there!
Click above to watch the short aerial video taken by local Lake St. Clair boater Jim Gall piloting his helicopter with his daughter Amber Garrison.
At around 6pm, the mass exodus began with boats idling out from Muscamoot Bay into Lake St. Clair. It was quite an experience with several boaters getting a little impatient and passing other boats quite close. Luckily, we had a low wind and no rain day so the only waves were caused by the 1000’s of boats parading out simultaneously…. glad I was in a friend’s bigger boat!
Don’t forget to check LakeStClairGuide.com for more events this month and services for you and your boat to enjoy the season!