Michigan’s Tallest Flag to be Raised this Saturday on Lake St. Clair

Michigan’s Tallest Flag to be Raised this Saturday on Lake St. Clair


11:00 a.m. Saturday, October 15, 2016, the New Baltimore Lions Club would like to invite all to come, by car or BOAT! to the formal dedication of Michigan’s Tallest Flag.


The program will last 1hr and 15 minutes and will include a Coast Guard fly-over at noon with refreshments to follow.   The Flagpole is located at the foot of Lake St. Clair in the Walter & Mary Burke Park, downtown New Baltimore.  City, area townships, and county dignitaries will be in attendance, along with New Baltimore VFW Post 7573 Color Guard, Anchor Bay High School ROTC and area Boy Scouts, NB Interfaith Choir, and Michigan Chamber Chorale group.

Come early and bring lawn chairs.   The music program will start at 10:30 with photo opportunities immediately following the ceremony at 12:15pm.

After almost a year of fundraising, $107,000 was raised through the very hard work of the New Baltimore Lion’s Club to replace the old water tower torn down last year and create a wonderful new boater’s landmark …. Congratulations on making history at Lake St. Clair!

Here are a few photos of the process to get us to this point.

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For more than 67 years (1948-2015) the 150 foot New Baltimore water tower stood not far from this flagpole, helping boaters find their way home day or night and stood as a land marker for the Greater Macomb County and the Anchor Bay Area.

Along with the hundreds of donations big and small, the New Baltimore Lions Club donated this new landmark to show the civic and national pride that will mark the Gateway to the Bay for many years to come.

A towering height of 160 feet, using nearly 80 tons of concrete in a foundation 7 feet in diameter by 30 feet deep, the pole marks the highest ever constructed at this time in Michigan. The three lights shine at 23,000 luminaries each and a red solar navigational light at the top allows the 30×60 foot flag flying above you to be seen at night and be visible for several miles.

This Project was completed at a cost of $107,000, no city, county or state tax dollars were used. This flagpole was purchased and installed by Flagpoles ETC. out of Holly, Michigan. Flagpole foundation was installed by Toledo Caisson Corporation.    

Thanks again Ron Earle for all your efforts in spearheading this fantastic landmark for us all.