Spring is here with GREAT news for Lake St. Clair boaters!

Spring is here with GREAT news for Lake St. Clair boaters!

  spring is here logoGood news for our Lake St. Clair boating season!  The predicted forecast is for great weather…  and higher water again!

According to the Farmers Almanac, we will experience warmer than normal temps in April and May with near normal rainfall.   Our Summer will be hotter than normal, with near-normal rainfall, except for July where it is predicted to be above normal.  The hottest times will be in early June, mid to late July, and mid to late August.

As of today, Lake St. Clair water levels are 10″ above last year.  Ice jams are still causing forecast problems but the next month is forecasted to rise another 5 inches according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.lake st clair ice cover march 18 2015 a

And more good news, we are projected to peak around 6″ higher than last year in late summer… “2014″ was also 6″ higher than 2013…. A nice trend.    Record lake St. Clair water levels were in 1986, and were still 20″ higher than what is projected for 2015 so I think we will skip buying flood insurance again this year.

And as a side note, our lowest water level record in 1934 was almost 40 inches below what we will have this year…

Finally sounds like the perfect season is coming to Lake St. Clair.  Don’t get caught with your boat still on blocks in early June when the rest of us are in the water!

2014 June 18 034 people on boats 2014 07 27 145 american flags on boat boat on plane searay august 29 074 a waiting to dock mayhem 2014 06 28 112

Don’t forget to check our directory for boat rentals & repair services, marinaswaterfront restaurants & communities, fishing services, and more to fully enjoy Lake St. Clair this season!