save our south channel lights 2025 golf outing may

“The Save Our South Channel Lights non-profit all volunteer organization” is excited about tending the lights, restoring the fence, and repairing the outhouse and badly damaged shed. These structures have deteriorated due to strong waves over the past few years.  Join our charity golf outing May 17, 2025!

south channel lights

Thanks to the tenacity of the directors and volunteers, the towers of the twin sisters remain intact. The front light is listing but has been stabilized both inside and out. She is ready for straightening once enough funding is raised. Restoration of the rear lighthouse tower has been completed and is a strong beacon of resiliency to all who see her.

south channel lights
The “common tern” birds have grown in number and spread their habitat onto the rear lighthouse island so much that it is now difficult and dangerous to occupy the rear island to assess damages or performing regular maintenance without worry of being attacked. SOSCL partnered with the Detroit Zoo for many years to get the birds off the endangered species list, which they’ve succeeded in doing. Moving the habitat is a new task because of the great need to get back to restoring these lighthouses.

Some of this year’s Save our South Channel Lights fundraising events include the Annual Membership Meeting-April, Algonac Antique Boat Show-June, Harsens Island Field Day-August, Algonac Rotary Art Fair-September, Metro Beach Boat Show-September, and the Annual Golf Outing-October. For specific dates, please visit the website at

SOSCL would like to thank all who continue to support them through memberships, online purchases, and donations. Your support has helped keep the lights on. Your membership means sustainability of the Save Our South Channel Lights 501 (c)3 organization. They continue maintaining the land and the lights, they seek out grants, pay for insurance, and make small strides each year to restore this maritime history for future generations to enjoy. To learn more about the Save Our South Channel Lights organization or what they have accomplished, visit them on Facebook or at

  • 810-748-1888

Anchor Bay

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