Lake St. Clair – A big lake but small enough for any size vessel – Everything you need to know to visit for the day, a week, or forever!  How & Where to Boat | Where to Stay & Dock | What to do for Fun | Trophy Fishing.

Although not officially a “Great Lake”, locals feel Lake St. Clair is the Heart of the Great Lakes chain...

....and our lake is shaped like a heart!  So, must be true!

map lake st clair waterfront cities towns

There are over 20,000 boat wells around the Lake St. Clair region!  When you add in 15 public launch sites for trailered boats, this leads you to understand why Lake St. Clair has become a leading boater’s paradise with things to do – we have A LOT OF BOATERS to serve!  

Many maps such as below's Lake St. Clair launch ramps are included within the annual Lake St. Clair Guide magazine

baby swans lake st. clair

All within a short ride in any direction are 40+ locally owned interesting eateries most with dockage, towns around the waterfront with services, dockage for dining, public marinas, “vacation style” boutique shopping, waterfront short term rental homes WITH boat wells, marine services & repair, along with several locations to rent a boat for the day / charter a cruise around Lake St. Clair if you didn’t bring one!

freighter cruise ship south channel michigan

Although Lake St. Clair is a large body of water roughly 26 miles x 26 miles, within minutes or under an hour from the center of the lake, there is quite a range of boating experiences depending on your mood.


  1. Worldwide access – DRIVE YOUR BOAT from Lake Erie (via Detroit River) or from Lake Huron (via the St. Clair River). 2. TRAILER YOUR BOAT and launch at 15 public sites.   3. RENT A BOAT – Boat, PWC, & kayak rentals along with boat sharing through Freedom Boat Club are available from most major ports including Harsen’s Island.  4. PRIVATE CHARTER, fishing & leisure cruises, or schedule a waverunner tour.

charter boat spirit of lake st clair

WHERE TO STAY / DOCK on LAKE ST. CLAIR - Find detailed maps of all these services in the Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine

  1. TRANSIENT MARINAS - Many full-service transient marina options with a variety of amenities in U.S. & Canada. 2. VACATION RENTAL with dockage – Save $$ with no fees! Book a prime boating location direct with 35+ Lake St. Clair owners online at, a division of the Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine. 3. RV/CAMPING sites with marina access & boat storage also are available on the U.S. and Canadian waterfront.   4. Bring a boat and stay at a HOTEL – there are a variety of secure marinas to store your boat on a trailer for a fee while vacationing.

free city docks on lake st. clair


Click image and check out our vacation rental site - houses with dockage around Lake St. Clair!

2025 Map Lake St. Clair Vacation Rentals


  1. RELAX - Leisure boaters will enjoy a full day on the water.  Start with a scenic ride, perhaps have lunch at a waterfront bar.  Find a bay to fit your “quiet time or party time” mood.  Hang out in our shallow sandy-bottom clear waters with 50 people or 1000!, and do some good people watching.  Proceed early evening to a waterfront eatery for great food and entertainment.  Have a big boat?  Many transient larger vessel boaters will take advantage of the calm bays and channels and use a dingy throughout their stay. 
  2. CRUISE - Traverse the largest freshwater delta in the world - the “St. Clair Flats” (North, Middle, and South Channels) which surround Harsen’s Island. There you will enjoy nature with minimal human alterations for scenic rides.  Once getting to the large South Channel, you’ll run side by side with huge freighters passing each day, along with several cruise ships now seen regularly.  
  3. FISH – With 15 launch ramps, many visitors move around. Whether windy or calm, fishermen have many options if protection is needed within sheltered bays, canals, and channels. There are stocked bait shops near most access sites.
  4. Check out LAKE ST. CLAIR METROPARK for a day or longer - LOTS to do for a longer stay, especially with children.
  5. FESTIVALS - Weekly events on & next to the water can be found with transient marina dockage.

bare naked bay lake st. clair

Popular Lake St. Clair Events Include: Fishfly & Pickerel Fest, Minnowfest, Winterfest, APBA Racing, Maritime Days, Fireworks, Jobbie Nooner, Raft Off, Antique Boat Parades, Fishing Tournaments, Sprint & Splash, Art & Classic Car Shows, Music Festivals, Fall Boat Show, & so much more! See monthly updates @

2025 event dates calendar lake st clair

gull island jobbie nooner drone shots trevor walczy

There are festivals, shopping, and 40+ restaurants with docks on the Canadian and U.S. Shores.   “U.S.” ports with boat services include the “Nautical Mile” in St. Clair Shores at the south end of the lake, “Boat Town” mid-lake surrounding the Clinton River and the beautiful Lake St. Clair Metropark, then up north to Fair Haven, Harsen’s Island, and the small town of Algonac, “the original” home of 100-year-old Chris Craft Boats.

Small town “Resort Port” destinations a short walk away from their own public city dockage include Lake St. Clair’s New Baltimore, and the City of St. Clair along with neighboring Marine City on the St. Clair River.  “Canadian” ports include Belle River, Puce Harbor, Thames River, and Mitchell’s Bay.

boardwalk city of st. clair michigan


dining options lake st. clair


Important for on the water travelers, “all necessary marine services can be found along the shoreline of every town” so never a worry being far away from getting fuel or service for your boat.


FISHING is Huge Here!  The Lake St. Clair region’s “premier fishing” brings excited anglers with their boats from around the country. Throughout the year, there are National Professional, college, high school, and local fishing tournaments for Bass, Walleye, Sturgeon, and Muskie.


Professional Bass tournaments on Lake St. Clair have included “Major League Fishing” and “Bassmasters” many times over!

Bassmasters coming to Lake St. Clair August 7-10, 2025 - Brandenburg Park, Chesterfield Township on Anchor Bay - click on image to read full 2025 Lake St. Clair Guide

2025 bassmasters lake st. clair brandenburg chesterfield august

I can certainly speak for the locals of the area; we LOVE this place!  You’ll be an annual visitor once you’ve begun exploring the Lake St. Clair region by car or by boat.  There is just too much to do in one trip!

Find out where to pick up the FREE 172-Page edition of the Lake St. Clair Guide magazine published January 1st which includes boating and walking maps, directories for all we have to offer, and the latest event dates @ - and read online for FREE.  Visit the LIVE WEBCAM @ to see what’s happening right now!

  • Kim Darrah
  • 5862023100
  • 7571 Dyke Rd, IRA, MI, 48023-2726, United States

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