Lake St. Clair News

Seasonal Restaurants & Tiki bars are opening this week around Lake St. Clair and the Rivers!  Spring festivals, boats shows, and many city events can be found @ New things to do are added weekly!  Calendar has a vast amount of activities from May…

Pick up the new 2024 Lake St. Clair Guide at over 125 business locations around the waterfront – from Lake St. Clair to the St. Clair River. Link to city by city list here at  The annual Guide is online January 1st, with print…

SEE LATEST 2023 JANUARY UPDATE HERE @ According to the Canada Border Services Agency, starting August 9, 2021 fully vaccinated United States citizens and permanent residents will be eligible to enter Canada for discretionary (non-essential) reasons, such as tourism, however these individuals must: 1)   …

A new boater’s phone app is now available from America’s Boating Club.  There are several chapters around Lake St. Clair you may join, as well as around the country. This new boater’s phone app in an emergency will show you your location so you may…

July 30, 2020 All states’ visitors are welcome to Michigan!  Social distancing & masks are required upon entering our businesses however, it is business as usual! We have many vacation rentals here on Lake St. Clair with boat dockage.  Our restaurants are all open and…

April 10, 2020:  The Michigan DNR has clarified / updated their website to add that only “non-motorized” boating is allowed which includes kayaks, canoes, and sailing.  Fishing is still allowed – however, using non-motorized vessels.  This Executive Order as Michigan’s Covid-19’s containment is in affect…

Lake St. Clair Restaurants seasonal updated hours, closing date parties, and FALL specials for many waterfront area eateries now at Many Lake St. Clair area restaurants are open YEAR ROUND!  Also included in this update are fuel docks’ latest hours. The majority of these…

Webcam overlooking northern Lake St. Clair’s Bouvier Bay and northern Anchor Bay. At left of screen in distance is New Baltimore… middle of screen is Fair Haven Point… to the right is the Fair Haven launch ramp bay and the channel leading into Bouvier Bridge…

Winterfest 2016 Downtown New Baltimore is this weekend, January 29-31!  Live music, festival tent, chili cook off, polar bear plunge & more! Starting Friday at 7:30 p.m., there will be live music & contests until 11:30 p.m.  Saturday big fun starts off with the annual fishing…