April 15, 2024 – The Spring Walleye run in the Lake St. Clair River systems is about to explode with over 6 million Walleye coming into the watershed for their annual spawn!
According to Captain Kevin Backus, Mr. Muskie Charters – The Walleye’s head up from the western basin of Lake Erie into the Detroit River system in March to find their spawning grounds and start the breeding process. This also occurs in the St. Clair River system with the Walleye coming from Lake Huron and Lake St. Clair.
Captain Kevin Backus, Grandson of the Legendary Homer LeBlanc – National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame
**PLEASE NOT BELOW – Michigan DNR may update the Walleye Limits on Lake St. Clair May 1, 2024.
Walleye Fishing Times / Temps / Techniques from Mr. Muskie Charters
While the fish are in the river systems now in March, we sometimes are unable to fish it due to weather conditions and ice flows. April kicks off the official start of our charter season. The bite can be a bit slower to start as water temperatures are cold, however, this is the time when the BIG HENS are caught in both river systems!
Early spring March/April we use the technique of vertical jigging and many times entice them with live bait to trigger them to bite. As the waters warm through April, the bite gets better and better! We will vertical jig during this timeframe using plastics instead of live bait.
As water temperatures continue to rise the bite increases into May. We notice much higher catch rates with Walleye at this point, better sized for eating rather than a trophy catch. From the middle of May onward into June the Walleye will still be actively biting. In May, we now sometimes utilize other techniques such as trolling with bait. Into June the Walleye will start to disperse back out into the lakes while some remain in the river systems. Once the Walleye are in the lakes, the best way to target them is trolling crank baits.
The spring fishing in Lake St. Clair, Detroit & St Clair Rivers, and its connecting waterways of the North, South, and Middle Channels are second to none and considered to be the best Walleye fishing this country has to offer! The Detroit and St. Clair River systems become a feeding frenzy of fish as well as an abundance of fishermen experiencing the time of their lives, creating lasting memories as well as coolers of Walleye to be enjoyed!
If you have not experienced this thrill of a lifetime you must do it now! CallMr. Muskie Chartersto set up your Walleye trips for some early spring trophies!!