When and Where is the Raft Off on Lake St. Clair
When and where is the annual Raft Off on Lake St. Clair? This huge boat event is held the second Saturday in August on Lake St. Clair's Muscamoot Bay (see detailed maps below).
Little Muscamoot is also a very popular swim area every weekend!
When Lake St. Clair's water levels were at a significant low point, the Raft Off event was held in "Big" Muscamoot Bay. With water levels at record high's the past several years, especially 2020 and 2021, the annual event was held in "Little" Muscamoot Bay.
Boats traditionally start arriving early morning Saturday to tie together - however, several boat clubs arrive Friday night and tie together and remain there until Sunday morning. Approximately 1500 - 2000 boats congregate for this event each year. Not everyone ties up, you may anchor around the area and then walk inside "the gauntlet" if you dare to enjoy loud music and fully embrace the party atmosphere at 100%.
How do you get to Little Muscamoot Bay? Water levels on Lake St. Clair vary and as of end of 2024 were on the decline.... not sure yet what 2025 will bring, but expect more shallow than recent years.
Low water certainly is good so more boats may easily pass under bridges, however, too low of water levels also brings underwater hazards not observed for several years. Most of Lake St. Clair is sand, so no damage usually. When you do see markers however, they are put there when water is lower so you may "pass by" sandbars, instead of land on top of them coming to an abrupt stop.
Walk through the mile of boats tied up together called "the gauntlet" - Photo Drone Shots / Trevor Walczy
Need somewhere to eat after the event? Check out the annual RESTAURANT GUIDE published in May and September to find many waterfront eateries with dockage.
Interactive map below shows the popular Brown's Bar... not too far from Little Muscamoot Bay. Pan out and you will see the full Muscamoot Bay areas.